A New Generation of Digital Era.


Strategic planning of modern business is needed from the participants, as well as business tycoons. One of the most important factors that facilitates business and transactions for quick and instant results is payment. When usable cash or finance is available, abundant opportunities for entrepreneurs become unlimited. In connection with this, the introduction of blockchain technology has helped through this extraordinary discovery. Any cash or finance that can be used can be easily transferred between intermediaries, but then, the aspect of the money movement has its own challenges. Intermediaries are there to make things easy but sometimes it can also cause delays themselves, because they are not without errors, even if the engine is not tired, their operators may be tired,

Blockchain technology has always been a solution-oriented invention, therefore the establishment of the SeyBlock platform, which is a pure version of electronic cash which is peer-to-peer, scalable and user-friendly, and which allows online payments to be sent directly to the other parties without having to through the process of home finance. SeyBlock can find this solution, through the use of the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP).
The Stellar Consensus Protocol is an anonymous and traceable transaction. Following its attractive attributes, SeyBlock has a platform that will make clients and users updated on their tokens, and they also provide space for investors to discuss their tokens. Scalability problems have occurred since the discovery of Bitcoin, and this problem arises because:

  • there is a limit to the number of transactions that Bitcoin can process
  • that is a consequence of the fact that blocks on the blockchain are limited to 1 megabyte.
    As it stands, the current size of the blockchain is 1MB, so the problem of scalability is unavoidable. These problems have been solved with the SeyBlock platform. The SeyBlock platform seems to be the only platform that doesn’t use Bitcoin and Ethereum, for obvious reasons that transaction capacity per second may be below its expectations, so it uses the Stellar Consensus Protocol. According to the crew at Stellar, the network can easily handle 1,000 transactions as of now, and the transaction completion time is estimated to be 2-5 seconds. It’s very fast, almost instantly.


Our vision is to provide the best Escrow services to prevent fraud and provide better services to people. We chose Stellar to launch Seyblock because Ethereum also has many problems related to scalability.


Applying Stellar Lumens technology, we make it easy to move digital assets around the world, quickly, reliably, and also empower the true vision of Satoshi, some of the views of our own platform to make crypto / digital currencies stronger. We propose a peer-to-peer network using SCP to record the public history of inventory with limited to 30 million coins that have ever existed. Our goal is to provide a global solution to the problem of scalability of Bitcoin. When eBTC tried before but launched their token above Ethereum, they will also find some scalability issues. We offer communities that once believed in Satoshi’s vision as the following advantage.


  • fast transactions: the speed of transactions with SeyBlock is on the upside and there is a long way to facilitate business for its clients.
  • low cost: although the speed of transactions is almost instant, and transaction capacity per second is high, it still imposes insignificant costs, the cost is very small
  • transactions around the world: SeyBlock transactions are not limited to certain geographical regions, but are available worldwide
  • supported by stellar lumens: the support it gets from Stellar Lumens, enhancing and differentiating it from other blockchain technology platforms
  • secure payment: the payment process is guaranteed well, ensuring client security.
  • solve scalability problems: this scalability problem has occurred since 2009, following the discovery of Bitcoin, but is currently a history because of the SeyBlock initiative and the use of the Stellar Consensus Protocol.

Financial institutions, no doubt have helped many entrepreneurs achieve their business goals but not without challenges, sometimes delays no matter how small it can disrupt the smooth flow of transactions. To provide a lasting solution to the problem of pending cash or transactional finance, the SeyBlock platform has introduced a method of unlimited money transfers from colleagues to partners, without involving processes with financial institutions, making payments faster and almost instant. There is no better and faster way to transfer cash and make payments than SeyBlock.

Detail ICO

Price 1 Month: 0.8 USD
2 Months Price: 2.37 USD
3 Months Price: 2, 70 USD
4 Months Price: 3, 50 USD
5 Months Price: 4, 21 USD
Road Map

– Fast Transactions
– Low Cost
– Worldwide Trade
– Stellar Men
– Secure Payments
– Solving Scalability Problems

Tokin team distribution  : 6% token.
Development: 17%
Drop and Gift Water Tokens  : 33%
Exchange Tokens  Sales Value: 44% Tokens

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