platform for trading.


Good evening, dear friends. CINDX is a universal solution for trading simple, reliable, and efficient crypto assets.
Cindex offers an evaluation system using trade history that ensures that you find the right Manager for you. Here, all your crypto assets for management are permanently stored in your wallet. Decentralization and smart contracts let you manage your wallet without transferring funds to managers. Investors join to sync their deals with the best players in the market.
Investors increase their crypto capital because of their effective asset management by a professional trader
Traders get paid for success by building investor desire to understand markets and trading strategies.
Sellers sell sophisticated tools for merchants, such as trading robots and news feeds.
CINDX generates Commission for sales and subscription to the terminal.
How it works
About ICO and Token General information:
Token: CINX
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Quantity: 58,000,000 CINX
Price: 1 CINX = 1USD
Soft seal: 6,000,000 USD
Hard stamp: 30.000.000 USD
Beginning: 27.06.2018
Completion: 11.07.2018
Beginning: 08.08.2018
Completion: 27.09.2018
1 week-15%
Week 2 – 10%
Week 3 – 7%
4 weeks – 5%
5 weeks 3%
About the team:
Yury Avdeev,
Chief Executive Officer Of
Director of Product Val Jerdes
Sofja Pevzner
Board Member
Mofassair Hossain
Chief Marketing Officer
Director of Investment Artur Shamalov
Sales Director Igor Okatiev
Denis Eskenazi
Head of Product
Law Officer Stefano Fursman
Andrzej Cichowlaz
Marketing Manager
Ibraghim Haniev
Technology Leader
Mikhail Kudriashov
Back-end Developer
Rustam Samiev
Designer UI / UX
Marketing Manager Tigran Hakhunts
Mansur Rasulov
Community Team Leader
Askhad Rasulov
Community manager
CEO of International Finance Services Kim Austin in Australia, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Russia
Philip Staehelin,
25 years of corporate experience, consulting, and global entrepreneurship
Amarpreet Singh Senior Advisor of the Global Blockchain Foundation
Tyler Sanford
8+ Years of Digital Marketing for technology companies like Yelp and Zenefits
Bogdan Fiedur
Experts of blockchain and cryptocurrency, investors, entrepreneurs
Graham Doggart
20 years of company development, fintech marketing compliance
Sadie Hutton,
25 years old in senior management and management consultant
Keith Teare
Founder and Executive Chief of the Digital Introduction Token Distribution Token
Advisor (6%)
Messages (7%)
Attractions asset manager (3%)
Sales (61%)
Orders (12%)
Bounty (6%)
Liquidity Support (5%
Distribution of collected funds
Operating costs (26%)
Marketing and PR (18%)
Research and development (44%)
Legal costs (9%)
Bonus for investor (3%
Harmony 06.06.2018: (826 followers)
Facebook (93 followers) (11.26%)
Twitter (613 followers) (74.21%)
Medium (23 followers) (2.78%)
Telegram (97 followers) (11.74%)
Road map
1Q 2018 – System architecture. Terms of reference and description of all modules.
2Q 2018 – UI / UX interface. Web platform. Query aggregator. KYC / AML Module. Integration of tests with stock exchanges. Closure of alpha
3Q 2018 -CINDX faceless testing
4Q 2018 -CINDX alpha
1Q 2019 -CINDX betta
Delta 3Q 2019 -CINDX
CINDX Life this project has all the chances to be the top. And win the sympathy in the crypto market. This project has a strong team, everyone who is not hiding with them can be contacted on social networks. They are very serious
More info at:

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